Ribbon and Feel Test
To describe how to test a sample texture, soil and its variations require standardized terms and methods of measurement. Texture generally refers to the size, distribution and proportion of the particles that make up the soil, and thus vary from place to place. The size of the particles can be classified as follows:
gravel |
> 2mm |
sand |
> 0.063mm |
silt |
> 0.002mm |
clay |
< 0.002mm |
Gravel, sand, silt, and clay refer to relative sizes of the soil particles. Texture variation may help to explain differences in plant growth that can be traced back to soil fertility, which depends in large part upon the different proportions of particles. For example, as soon as a ground is identified as sand, this soil is likely to have low available water capacity, as opposed to an
increasing clay content in the soil profile that is associated with greater capacity to hold water. The more clayey soils, however, tend to compact and crust, thus restricting root depth and presenting a higher risk of water erosion. In total, a uniformly textured soil lacks balance, such as the ability to retain water, possess adequate aeration, and providing a suitable temperature regulation at the same time. On the bottom line, physical characteristics of a field fundamentallyaffect crop productivity.
For testing your soil texture. you need the following equipment:
Take a sample of soil with your shovel sufficient to fit into the palm of your hand. Moisten the soil with water and mold your sample to a ball. Knead it until the ball does not stick to your fingers.
Figure I:
Moist sample soil rolled into a cigarette shape?
Yes No
Loam or clay? Silt or sand?
Form sample to a long and thin ribbon Rub between thumb and forefinger
(as thick as half a pencil) grainy not grainy
sand particles in your hand Compress between thumb and forefinger
Yes No = loamy sand sticks to thumb not sticky
Loam or clay = sandy loam = loamy silt = silt
Squeeze out between
thumb and forefinger
and rub once or twice
against a hard object
(such as a thumb nail)
very shiny slightly shiny/
= clay not shiny
= clay loam, loam
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