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Determing Cardinal Directions

methods field of action: 


Use Your Watch as a Compass


When a compass is not available, another field-expedient technique may be used to determine the four cardinal directions. A traditional method allows one to determine North and South, and navigate using only an analogue watch.


- analog watch
- sun


1.      Hold your wristwatch in front of you like a compass, and point the hour hand at the sun.

2.      The midway point between 12 o’clock (in wintertime) or 1 o’clock (in summertime) and the hour hand is South. Note that if in the Southern Hemisphere this method identifies North.


If there is no analog watch to hand, but you know the correct time, you can easily draw out the analog dial on a piece of paper and use it the same way.



video documentation: 

Bestimmung der Himmelsrichtung mit der Uhr

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